The Mario Schifano Archive, as a non-profit association and constituted by the Painter's Heirs in full title of the exclusive faculties reserved for them by the Copyright Law, has as its purpose the care, protection and promotion of the complex and overall intellectual, artistic and social image of Mario Schifano in his creative multiplicity, to be realized through the implementation of the archiving project of the Master's works and photographic archiving relating to his life and his own works, and through the future publication of the Catalogue Raisonné and the General Catalog of the Artist's Works.
L’Archivio, dopo un lavoro durato oltre 14 anni, è in procinto di pubblicare il Catalogo Ragionato dell’Opera Pittorica di Mario Schifano degli anni ’60, edito da Skira, e il Catalogo Generale Online contenente le Opere dal 1970 al 1998 note all’Archivio.
Nel frattempo, ove si voglia verificare se un’Opera è contenuta nel Catalogo Generale istituito presso l’Archivio potrà inoltrarsi apposita richiesta fornendo il Codice di Archiviazione dell’Opera stessa.
There is currently no scientific publication authorized by S.I.A.E. and recognized by the Heirs and the Archives that it can represent the general catalog of the works of the Master.
Monica De Bei Schifano
Memmo Mancini
Marco Meneguzzo
Luca Ronchi
Achille Bonito Oliva
Giovanni Michelagnoli
Ettore Rosboch
Antonella Amadei
Dora Baratti
Elisabetta Mariani
Maria Paola Dente